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Advantages of circular waterproof connectors

時(shí)間:2021-05-14| 作者:Admin

In some particularly humid or watery working environments, the connectors we choose must have excellent waterproof capabilities. So, professional waterproof connectors have emerged.
From a safety perspective, waterproof connectors undoubtedly have higher safety than ordinary connectors, better avoiding potential electrical safety accidents. In terms of male and female plug docking, circular waterproof connectors adopt a "three jaw chuck" design, which can accurately guide the male and female plugs to fix each other, reducing leakage caused by loose plugs.


The waterproof function of circular waterproof connectors will also be reflected in their corrosion resistance in humid environments. It can ensure the service life of the connector through good waterproof performance.
The stability of connectors is more important than other performance factors. In the development of waterproof functions, it is important to pay attention not to affect the speed, accuracy, and stability of data transmission for the sake of waterproofing.


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