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What is a waterproof connector?

時間:2021-05-14| 作者:Admin

Electricity is used in many things in daily life, but things that are electrified can pose certain risks, and waterproof connectors can effectively avoid this danger. They have strong sealing performance and reliable waterproof performance. For example, if some equipment needs to enter the water or be installed underwater, using waterproof connectors can avoid worrying about the damage to mechanical equipment caused by the entry of water, especially water with high levels of chemical substances.
There are many brands and types of waterproof connectors in the market, but there are still not many connectors that truly have excellent sealing and waterproof performance. So all waterproof connectors should undergo strict waterproof testing experiments when leaving the factory. It is best to work the connector in a water depth of 10 meters for 2 weeks, or in a water depth of 100 meters for 12 hours. If it can still maintain good working performance, then it is qualified.
One major advantage of waterproof connectors is that they are waterproof, which allows them to be applied in a wider and more demanding working environment. There are two types of general waterproof connectors: ① self designed waterproof process; ② The connector has a matching waterproof plug/plug, which plays a waterproof role.


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