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Why do we need connectors?

時間:2021-06-15| 作者:Admin

What is a connector: An essential component in electronic devices, through the flow of electrons through current, you can always find a connector. Due to differences in application objects, frequencies, power, and application environments, their forms and structures vary greatly, resulting in various forms; For example, connectors on hard drives in cars and computers in the garage. However, regardless of the type of connector, the current should be ensured to be stable, continuous, and reliable.

Why use it? Imagine what would happen without it? At this point, continuous conductors should be used to permanently connect the circuits. For example, if electronic equipment is to be connected to a power source, the two ends of the connecting wires must be fixed together with the electronic equipment and power source using some method (such as welding); In this way, whether used for production or use, it will cause inconvenience.

For example, car batteries; Assuming that the battery cable is fixed and welded firmly, the workload of the car manufacturer installing the battery will increase, and the production time and cost will also increase; When the battery is damaged and needs to be replaced, the car must also be taken to the maintenance station, the old battery must be removed, a new battery must be installed, and more labor costs must be paid for this; After having a battery, there is no need to go to the store to buy a new one. Disconnect the power, remove the old battery, install a new battery, and then connect the power. This is a simple example; This simple example illustrates the benefits of removing a new battery; It makes the design and production process more convenient and flexible, reducing production and maintenance costs.


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