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The principle of waterproof plugs

時間:2020-08-10| 作者:Admin

A waterproof plug is a plug with waterproof performance, which is a waterproof socket with a mechanism inside. The plug pin can only be closed when fully inserted, so you can see that it is not easy to come into contact with copper parts with tweezers. At the same time, there is a drainage hole at the bottom, which is a waterproof plug and can provide safe and reliable electrical, signal, and other connections. For example, waterproof plugs are required for LED street lights, LED driver power supply, LED display screens, lighthouses, cruise ships, industrial equipment, communication equipment, detection equipment, commercial squares, highways, villa exterior walls, gardens, parks, etc.


The waterproof performance of the waterproof plug mainly depends on the last two digits XX of IPXX, with the first digit X ranging from 0 to 6 and the highest level being 6; The second digit is from 0 to 8, with a maximum level of 8, so the maximum waterproof level of the waterproof plug is IP68.


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