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Structural components of LED waterproof connectors

時間:2020-08-05| 作者:Admin

LED waterproof connectorThere are mainly four basic structural components, including insulators, contacts, shells, accessories, and other components, as follows:


1. Insulator: also known as a base or mounting plate, the function of an insulator is to arrange the adjacent contacts in a reasonable manner according to the required position and spacing, serving as a bridge and control.


2. Attachment: The attachment is the other functional parts of the waterproof connector, including structural attachments and installation attachments. For example: positioning keys, connecting rings, cable clamps, silicone rings, screws, nuts, screws, etc.


3. Shell: The shell refers to the "leather jacket" that wraps around the connector, providing protection and fixation: it provides a calibration principle for the two male and female connectors connected to each other, and can be mouth to mouth without deviation.


4. Sealed connector: Sealed connector refers to a connector that can meet the specified gas, moisture, or liquid sealing requirements, and waterproof connector is one of them.


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