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Analysis of the Internal Structure of Industrial Waterproof Plug

時(shí)間:2020-08-13| 作者:Admin

Industrial waterproof plugThe transistor inside is a control component, and the electronic tube is its predecessor. However, the electronic tube is bulky and consumes a lot of electricity, and it has now been phased out. Triode is mainly used to control the size of the current. Taking the common emitter connection method as an example, when there is a slight change in the base voltage UB, the base current IB will also have a small change. Under the control of the base current IB, the collector current IC will have a significant change. The larger the base current IB, the larger the collector current IC. Conversely, the smaller the base current, the smaller the collector current IC, The base current controls the variation of the collector current.



Industrial waterproof plug, but the change in collector current is much greater than the change in base current, which is the current amplification effect of the transistor. The higher the Q value of the energy storage inductor at the working frequency, the better. Many people only pay attention to the inductance, and the impact of Q value is much greater. The inductance can only fluctuate within a large range if it meets the requirements. Filter capacitor.



The only drawback of industrial waterproof plugs is the synchronous working mode, which allows audio files to be encoded in real time from data files. However, if the transmission of data files is slightly interrupted and the transmission timing is slightly not strict, it will discover the interruption of sound and the deterioration of sound quality. This is also the main reason why the USB sound processing chip of the traditional S protocol has poor sound quality and stability.


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